Study Visits

Study Visits

Come and discover the PRIMAVERA Galaxy

Teaching With Software
Teaching With SoftwareOpen the doors of the employment market to your students.
Brighter FuturesJoin 500 teaching establishments that are already connected to business reality.
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Time - workdays of 9:30 at 6:30 pm
Knowledge is priceless! It is the most powerful driving force we can have to help us reach our goals.

At PRIMAVERA, we believe in the potential of know-how, the power of knowledge, continuous growth and the constant enhancement of skills. We believe that the foundations of a top-class professional must be laid early – and with a comprehensive outlook on reality. This is why we developed an educational programme that fosters a strong bond with teaching establishments.

We help bring academia closer to the reality of the business world. We provide public and private teaching establishments offering secondary, vocational and higher education with unique tools so that they can give their students theoretical and practical training appropriate to the reality of today's business world.

We share our solutions and knowledge. We help teaching establishments in their mission to train top-class professionals who will be capable of making an indelible mark on business management.

Teaching with Software

Foster easy integration in the employment market.
Give the students who attend your teaching establishment solid academic training enriched by in-depth knowledge of a management solution used by thousands of companies in an array of markets.

Access a complete PRIMAVERA software package for use in practical lessons. As part of our "Teaching with Software" initiative, we provide not only the software, with special conditions, but also free training for teachers in e-Learning and Webinar format. 

On the e-Learning platform, teachers responsible for PRIMAVERA training have access to a range of constantly updated contents on PRIMAVERA solutions. Here, they have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in an easy, streamlined manner, adapted to the availability and specific needs of each teacher to acquire and enhance their skills. 

Education Talks

A passion for innovation is a key trait in PRIMAVERA's outlook on life. An enterprising attitude that we share through our Education Talks programme.

Encourage the creative spirit. Foster the widening of students' horizons at your teaching establishment. Give your students the opportunity to come into contact with professional members of PRIMAVERA's multidisciplinary team who stand out for their knowledge and merit in different fields of knowledge.

Tell us what topic you would like to cover with your students. We provide specialised resources on topics such as Information Technology, Accounts, Innovation, Taxation, Business Competitiveness and others that lie within PRIMAVERA's sphere of activity.

Submit your request now. PRIMAVERA Speakers will go to your teaching establishment at no cost to give a session lasting approximately one hour on the topic of your choice.

Education Lab

Do you want to stand out as a higher education establishment with specialised training in PRIMAVERA management solutions?

We will be delighted to help you! Present your project to us. If it meets our expectations, we will help you create an exclusive space with the ideal characteristics for simulated business practice with recourse to PRIMAVERA management technology.

Give your students access to a unique space where they will have the opportunity to simulate different business management operations using PRIMAVERA management software.

Stand out for the quality of your teaching in a management tool used by over 40,000 companies in an array of markets.

Study Visits

Come and meet us!
Our doors are open wide to welcome future professionals interested in the fields of Information Technology, Accounts, Management, Economics and Finance, and show them the PRIMAVERA modus operandi.

We have a space entirely devoted to students who are curious to find out how a software house operates. We show our student visitors the entire productive cycle – from research and development, by way of quality testing, all the way through to marketing and support.

Unforgettable moments await you at the PRIMAVERA Galaxy!

A multi-touch video wall, touchscreen tables with quizzes and a space packed with memories from PRIMAVERA's history will provide our student visitors with an enriching and unique experience.

Here, the students will also have the opportunity to understand tax dynamics and the importance of contributions and taxes for the sustainability of public services and infrastructures, as well as for the maintenance of a welfare state.

And they will also get the chance to discover a building that earned an international nomination for the 2011 WAF – World Architecture Festival, in Barcelona, in the Service Building Design category.

We will be delighted to welcome you!